About Roadfoodie
My name is Brigit Binns, and I write cookbooks (23, and counting; ten of them for Williams-Sonoma). Each winter, I drive from New York to California. Every spring, I drive back. Along the way and throughout the year, I eat, think, drink, listen to location-appropriate books and music, and meet the locals.
For family reasons, Roadfoodie's Time in the West went on far longer than usual this year. While there, I managed to squeeze in two cookbooks (on slow cooking and soup, both good wintery subjects even in sunny California). Now I'm back in the Hudson Valley and embarked on three new projects. Way too busy, as usual—but a girl's gotta eat. To that end, I'll explore the sociological, gustatory, and inner life of the upcoming seasons in upstate New York, as well as Baja California and wherever else my peripatetic, porcine-focussed life should lead.